Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nondescription: Rugby Outing

I had the distinct misplaced displeasure of going on a locality hunt-looking for a place you’ve been to before but just can’t seem to remember.( I should have known better than to go orienteering without a map or a compass). The locality in question was Nondescripts Rugby Football Club; the displeasure was due to the fact that it was 4 in the afternoon and I was already freezing. The event was the showdown between Nondies and KCB Lions this past weekend. It was expected to be a thriller of a match. More like flat coke, too many errors and a lackadaisical approach to the match and the final result read like a new Nokia phone mode, 57-12. My companion and I looked on haplessly through it all. One of our fellow sideline soldiers disappeared at half time; Nondies were down 25-0. She had the foresight to leave before things got worse, my companion did not. The photo above shows my companions’ state in the second half.
I was fortunate to hike a lift from a rugby die hard fan and player who would be expected to know where NRFC was. Like lambs led to slaughter we were delivered to the Nondies pitch where we witnessed the crushing defeat of a powerful team. Halfway through the game we went in search of another of our errant friends who informed us that she was close to the police post; like we knew where that was! Armed with a watchman’s enthusiastic directions we headed off. In hindsight, we should have taken the watchman with us or we would not have felt the need to be Hansel and Gretel dropping crumbs to retrace our steps. Luckily we met h
er on the way, and we made our way back to the game.
In the clubhouse later on that evening I was able to witness camaraderie among rugby players that I have not yet seen in any other sport in Kenya. They mixed well with each other and like true brothers celebrated together regardless of the score line. They were all winners; the Nondies players came out of the match having learnt something, hopefully. If I’d had to have walked from Ngong road to the pitch and paid the entrance fee, I’d have been one bitter rugby fan but seeing as it cost us nothing to go and watch this match, I’m fine. I’m willing to give my time as it’s a good way to get rid of all the stresses; that is unless you’re a Nondies player. You win some, you lose some.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Caught Red-handed: Don't sweat the Ex

Window shopping at Eaton's department store.Image via Wikipedia

What do you do when your boy's alleged ex stomps into his house and finds you wearing his t-shirt and boxers, hung over?

Calmly, say hi to her and haul your ass out of his bed, into the shower and out of the house like a bat out of hell. Preferably with as little noise as possible and no fuss;in a dignified manner , of course. Then confront him later, get an epiphany, turn celibate and swear off drinking forever.

Or you could be more predictable, turn to the shameless girl and soundly abuse her for showing up and messing up an already messed up day. Start a cat fight, scratch, tear and kick each other while the object of both your affections either:

a) watches in amusement

b) tries to pull you apart or

c) kicks you both out

Or better still, invite her to join you both in his bed.

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Uprising in the Ghetto

Berkshire BluesImage by Professor Bop via Flickr

The room has a UV light that intensifies as it reflects off white clothing: woe unto you if you’re wearing white underwear. It looks like the interior of a Kenyan PSV and has the sound system to boot. It is, however, much more comfortable. My Hip Hop Boi is however, as silent as the grave of King Tut. He has an aura; it betrays his anxiety and his heart’s desire: he wants to possess me.
He cannot have me. I am not a plaything. I am who I am and I will do as I wish. I will not be a man’s consort nor his partner. I ride the wave of life by myself and I am responsible to no one but myself for my own actions.
He is crushed but he dared to touch the flame of independence within me and got burned. I will not be sorry for safeguarding that which is dear to my heart and furthermore, vital to the moulding and achievement my destiny.
My Ghetto HipHopper is no longer mine, repudiated by a force greater than his dream; his prey lives to fight another day.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Michael Jackson, The Follower of his dreams.....

Sometimes I Feel so SmallImage by dragon762w via Flickr

He was born in Gary, Indiana 50 years ago. Together he formed the famous all boy group, Jackson 5 that titillated girls all over the globe.He was famous for his boyish charm and cute looks. A millionaire at the age of 12, he grew into a man too early in his life and spent the rest of his life clinging on to his hastily cast-aside childhood. He was thrust into the limelight early on in life and he embraced it with grace and elegance. He was constantly under the scrutiny of media and fans; so much so that he became a recluse. He retreated to Neverland, the theme park he called home; then his world turned ugly in the blink of an eye.
Allegations of sexual abuse, an unfortunate smudge on his reputation; this did not deter his fans an iota, though I can imagine he was shaken to the core.
He followed his musical dreams, moved to Qatar and continued living in pursuit of his own personal legend and at the time of his death, was preparing for a world tour.
This is my tribute to Michael Jackson the man, the legend and a symbol of perserverance and excellence. He has inspired many others to follow their musical dreams and the rest of the world got the opportunity to enjoy music on a whole other level. God bless the Jackson family and give them comfort at this time. God took you and may He keep you till we all meet again. You remain a symbol of stellar elegance and the love you had for humanity shines through in yur music. Peace and love to you all
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Sunday, June 14, 2009


Bush taxi in the East ProvinceImage via Wikipedia

I had the pleasure of going clubbing with a ghetto guy a while back. It was the most illuminating experience of my life. Granted, he did not have a flashy "whip" but we had the public transport facilities available. He paid my matatu( slang for a 14 seater cab in Kenya) fare as well as his.

He took me out to supper first, fast food nonetheless;We had a classic Kenchic meal- quarter na chips! Again, he paid

At this point I was severely intrigued by his behaviour; mothers warn their daughters about these men. Some of the myths surrounding these guys are more fiction than fact( thanks to my "date")

He paid for the drinks, made sure I was comfortable and was attentive to me the whole evening. He was polite, courteous and kind. He's suceeded in debunking any false notions I may have had about the "ghetto gentleman".

At the end of the night, we ended up back at his place; he whispering sweet nothings and me holding on to my sanity. I capitulated, to a few kisses and promptly pretended to fall asleep. A girl can't put out on the first date you know!!!

He lives in Kawangware- last stop on the matatu ride, I was a bit apprehensive when we alighted but he, in a grand display of chivalry, held my hand till we got to his gate and into the compound.

He has a one roomed house, with a communal bathroom outside in the compound. The room was surprisingly big, he had furniture and electronics in there, my ghetto boy is also a hip hop boi......

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Temperance, Sobriety and Acceptance pt2

Romances album coverImage via Wikipedia

Now the little imp is somewhat subdued.... I'm relieved....the bad times are there for us to enjoy the good even more. Take a moment and enjoy that little tit bit right's how you open up to love with vision: I surely hope so....otherwise this will have been in vain. Its too easy to reject someone but its harder to love them. Loving them requires that you accept them completely with all their flaws. Rejection requires a finite number of reasons then you'll be on your way...ready to love/reject again...I'm a mad one but I have something that most people take for granted...a big heart and a discerning mind. I know you but do you know you? Living life requires some madness here and just needs to balance out and you will be fine......
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Friday, June 12, 2009

Temperance, Sobriety and Acceptance

I was a hedonist.....I lived without a plan..lived in the moment,for the here and now, not thinking about tomorrow or the consequences of my actions. That road was passionate, blinding, winding, thorny, dusty, and so very narrow but broad at the same time. Paradox huh? Well that's human nature for you..never completely sure of the road to take but always willing to try again and set out on my ways after being burnt. Needless to say I got tired of living the hedonistic life..eating life with a big spoon isn't my style anymore but every little mouthful counts. Just because I say open up to love doesn't mean you have to close your mind. That's stupid and will get hurt. My mind is always as open as my heart if not more...that's how I guard the well spring of my life. One has to learn how to deal with failure. If the road ahead looks too daunting and you fear you will not make it..let go turn around and find another way. Fall down, stay down and reflect BUT failure isn't the end of may seem that way but its not. GET UP AND MOVE ON. The little imp played hopscotch yesterday night...................

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R.O.L.L.E.R.C.O.A.S.T.E.R pt 2

How can you kill or die for someone if you don't open your heart up completely to love? My heart valves do not function that way...they can't open partially..its all or nothing. Love is an inspiration, a passion, no one can ever figure it out completely..stop trying my friends, you'll only be frustrated(experience) crazy I know but shit happens..on more than one occassion. Be is unfair but that shouldn't stop you from living it n giving it like you mean it....even if its unrequited or not what you expect be're lucky to have experienced it in this life..some never do. Life is it as it comes...plans are good but they are not the be all and end without a plan is not a plan either....even if you were to figure out love'd never be able to enjoy it all figured out.
Where shall I begin? Madness, demons, and oh yeah, there's an imp on my chest..If you triumph over fear does that mean you're completely fearless,and are now full of courage? I think the past fear gets replaced with another and the cycle continues till at last you face your greatest fears and have the choice of conquering it or backing down..From a fight I will always walk away, if its necessary. I will always be a lover and not a fighter...the world needs more love. I will open up my heart and take the risk again and again because that's just me..that's the road I'm on right now. Roads will change with time and gradually..s'times I'll be off the track for a while bt I am still on my journeys..they will never end..where I find obstacles I will work with them if not I'll turn back n find another way..that has to be the best I can do for now..if no one accepts that then it's all good..hard to understand bt IT'S ALL GOOD..herein lies the damn paradox.."Guard ur heart 4 its th well spring of your life" but "Love one another as Christ loved the church" meaning be ready to die for the object of your affection. How can you be ready to kill or die for love?
How can you kill or die for someone if you don't open your heart up completely to love? My heart valves do not function that way...they can't open partially..its all or nothing. Love is an inspiration, a passion, no one can ever figure it out completely..stop trying my friends, you'll only be frustrated(experience) crazy I know but shit happens..on more than one occassion. Be is unfair but that shouldn't stop you from living it n giving it like you mean it....even if its unrequited or not what you expect be're lucky to have experienced it in this life..some never do. Life is it as it comes...plans are good but they are not the be all and end without a plan is not a plan either....even if you were to figure out love'd never be able to enjoy it all figured out.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I learnt this today....I must perservere & be me no matter what comes my hands me lemons I aint jus gonna make lemonade, I'm goin to make lemon cheesecake, lemon tea, have tequila shots n a mighty gud suck on 'em lemons. Dwelling on inequities doesn't help.....shedding them will help superbly.....being the right person at the wrong time is encumbering my spiritual future starts don't find yourself but you CREATE who you are and want to be...if no one else understands that then tough...I'm living my life, doing what makes me happy......I take risks and I'm ready to face those consequences...good or one can break my spirit because I wont let 'em..I always take responsibility for my actions

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Railway lines have been uprooted, the local electrical company's staff have been attacked and have retaliated, but all it takes is for one "leader" to callously state that the 1 km squared patch of land may belong to Kenya but the surrounding waters are the preserve of Uganda. Meaning, the kenyans can’t fish in the waters! The man has successfully thrown a spanner into the works. In all honesty, with leaders of his ilk, how does the rest of humanity expect US the youth to follow his example.....these are not leaders,no word in the entire english lexicon can describe these people. There's a commission that's been set up to investigate the Migingo Island issue...but his highness also needs to remember that his is a landlocked country, Kenya may never have fought dirty in the past but there's a first time for everything. Hopefully the commision won't take years to investigate and will make it's findings public unlike others I can name. We may be Crazy Jaluo, crazy kikuyu, crazy whatever but above all we are Kenyans, let us, each one, remember that and what exactly does it mean to be Kenyan?