Sunday, June 14, 2009

Temperance, Sobriety and Acceptance pt2

Romances album coverImage via Wikipedia

Now the little imp is somewhat subdued.... I'm relieved....the bad times are there for us to enjoy the good even more. Take a moment and enjoy that little tit bit right's how you open up to love with vision: I surely hope so....otherwise this will have been in vain. Its too easy to reject someone but its harder to love them. Loving them requires that you accept them completely with all their flaws. Rejection requires a finite number of reasons then you'll be on your way...ready to love/reject again...I'm a mad one but I have something that most people take for granted...a big heart and a discerning mind. I know you but do you know you? Living life requires some madness here and just needs to balance out and you will be fine......
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