Friday, June 12, 2009

Temperance, Sobriety and Acceptance

I was a hedonist.....I lived without a plan..lived in the moment,for the here and now, not thinking about tomorrow or the consequences of my actions. That road was passionate, blinding, winding, thorny, dusty, and so very narrow but broad at the same time. Paradox huh? Well that's human nature for you..never completely sure of the road to take but always willing to try again and set out on my ways after being burnt. Needless to say I got tired of living the hedonistic life..eating life with a big spoon isn't my style anymore but every little mouthful counts. Just because I say open up to love doesn't mean you have to close your mind. That's stupid and will get hurt. My mind is always as open as my heart if not more...that's how I guard the well spring of my life. One has to learn how to deal with failure. If the road ahead looks too daunting and you fear you will not make it..let go turn around and find another way. Fall down, stay down and reflect BUT failure isn't the end of may seem that way but its not. GET UP AND MOVE ON. The little imp played hopscotch yesterday night...................

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