Friday, June 12, 2009

R.O.L.L.E.R.C.O.A.S.T.E.R pt 2

How can you kill or die for someone if you don't open your heart up completely to love? My heart valves do not function that way...they can't open partially..its all or nothing. Love is an inspiration, a passion, no one can ever figure it out completely..stop trying my friends, you'll only be frustrated(experience) crazy I know but shit happens..on more than one occassion. Be is unfair but that shouldn't stop you from living it n giving it like you mean it....even if its unrequited or not what you expect be're lucky to have experienced it in this life..some never do. Life is it as it comes...plans are good but they are not the be all and end without a plan is not a plan either....even if you were to figure out love'd never be able to enjoy it all figured out.