Saturday, July 4, 2009

Caught Red-handed: Don't sweat the Ex

Window shopping at Eaton's department store.Image via Wikipedia

What do you do when your boy's alleged ex stomps into his house and finds you wearing his t-shirt and boxers, hung over?

Calmly, say hi to her and haul your ass out of his bed, into the shower and out of the house like a bat out of hell. Preferably with as little noise as possible and no fuss;in a dignified manner , of course. Then confront him later, get an epiphany, turn celibate and swear off drinking forever.

Or you could be more predictable, turn to the shameless girl and soundly abuse her for showing up and messing up an already messed up day. Start a cat fight, scratch, tear and kick each other while the object of both your affections either:

a) watches in amusement

b) tries to pull you apart or

c) kicks you both out

Or better still, invite her to join you both in his bed.

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